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Bitumen from Bahrain for Roads in Africa

Good roads are a must for the economic development of Africa. The supply of bitumen has previously been rather costly for logistics rea-sons. In February 2014 Bahrain saw the start of the first Bitumen Packing System on the Arabian Peninsula that operates on the prin-ciple of the novel Pörner Bitumen Cooling & Packing technology. Africa can be provided with high-grade road bitumen (straight run 60/70 PEN/PEN) from now on economically.

[Translate to Englisch:]

[Translate to Englisch:] Die 5000 m² große Halle beherbergt eine Cooling & Packing Unit mit insgesamt vier Befüllstationen sowie einem großen Areal als Zwischenlager für die abgepackten Bags.

[Translate to Englisch:]

[Translate to Englisch:] Die Halle im Panoramablick

In 2011 MENAEnergy headquartered in Dubai / United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the Pörner Group signed a contract for the construction of a Pörner Bitumen Packing System. This innovative technology provides an integrated solution for the storage, transport and distribution of cold bitumen.

The enterprise named BITUMENA runs the Packing Unit at the Bahrain Logistics Zone located at the new commercial Khalifa bin Salman Port. This location is a logistic hub for the North African, Indian and Asian markets. BITUMENA’s Packing Unit with an annual capacity of 150,000 mt began operation in February 2014.

For the first time there is prime quality bitumen (straight run 60/70 PEN/PEN) available directly from Bahrain. As BITUMENA is the only source of packaged non-Iranian bitumen, cold bitumen of highest quality is now available from the Gulf for the first time.

Through a piping system the bitumen is carried from tanks to four filling stations. The filling system, being the fifth supplied by Pörner by now, can provide in continuous service up to 480 mt bitumen in Pörner Bitumen Bags™.

Shape, size and filling weight of the bags (approx. 1,000 kg per bag) are designed for an optimum efficient use. The bags can be easily stored, loaded into 20ft standard shipment containers and transported to any place in the world. For filling and interim storage of the Pörner Bitumen Bags™ a hall as large as a football pitch (approx. 5,000 sqm floor space) was built. 

The hall-panorama-view


In the Kingdom of Bahrain high-grade bitumen is produced at the local refineries. This island country is an ideal base for supplying North African, Indian and Asian markets with high-quality road bitumen.

The Pörner Bitumen Packing System puts MENAEnergy in the position to export large amounts of bitumen at favourable terms to any place in the world.


Mag. Lydia Brandtner

Head of Marketing
Pörner Group
Tel.: +43 5 05899-718