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EDL hands over modern flue gas desulfurization plant to Gunvor Raffinerie Ingolstadt

EDL Anlagenbau Gesellschaft mbH successfully completed the EPCM project in Ingolstadt after three years.

Installation of the lower section of the column – diameter 5.8 meters, length 19.1 meters, weight 52 tons – on its foundation

Transport of the column - 33.5 meter long, more than 100 tons in weight, with a diameter of 5.8 meters - by riverboat on Rhine, Main and Main-Danube Canal to Kelheim

The second part of the heavy goods transport – by road

Installation of one of two Venturi scrubbers

The upper section of the column – 44 tons in weight and 14.9 meter long - was installed and completed with the 38 meter long and 23 tons heavy smokestack.

Hydroskimming plant

all pictures ©Gunvor Raffinerie Ingolstadt

Stricter legal requirements for sulfur dioxide emissions were the impetus for Gunvor Raffinerie Ingolstadt (GRI) to initiate the MINERVA (Modern INgolstadt Emissions Reduction Via Amine) project. The project covered planning and construction of a flue gas desulfurization plant as well as its integration into existing plant facilities. The project was implemented as part of the BVT (Best Available Technology) environmental initiative with the aim to efficiently reduce sulfur dioxide emissions. For this purpose, the refinery selected a process from one of the world's leading energy companies. This process converts the separated sulfur dioxide (SO2) in the existing Claus plant into elemental sulfur, which is provided as a chemical precursor for the industry.


EDL undertakes engineering and construction supervision in the MINERVA project

In 2020, Gunvor Raffinerie Ingolstadt commissioned the engineering company EDL from Leipzig with a pre-basic engineering, and in 2021 with the execution of the front-end engineering design (FEED) including a cost estimate as well as the detail engineering for long lead equipment items. After this project phase had successfully been completed, EDL also received the order for the detail engineering and the construction supervision of the flue gas desulfurization plant. In 2022, detail engineering was completed for the most part.

The first construction activities in the FCC plant area started in winter 2021/2022. They were extended to include the hydroskimming plant area in spring 2022. The first equipment items were installed in spring 2023 as part of the scheduled turnaround. The flue gas desulfurization plant was accomplished in the first quarter 2024 and is now being commissioned stepwise by Gunvor Raffinerie.

EDL’s Project Manager Matthias Haring summarizes: „The very fruitful and good cooperation with the customer GRI pulled its weight to an efficient elimination of technical problems and obstacles that occurred. Planning during the Corona pandemic, bottlenecks on the global market and difficult transport routes imposed high requirements on all parties involved. The implementation also proved to be very difficult in view of the lack of capacities among assembling companies and contractors. Looking back, however, we can state that the team consisting of specialists from EDL and GRI, faced these challenges and achieved a good result. I would like to thank everyone involved very much for the excellent cooperation.”


Fit for the future thanks to the MINERVA project

MINERVA is the largest individual project at Gunvor Raffinerie Ingolstadt GmbH. In addition to a significant reduction in SO2 emissions, the refinery also increases flexibility in the crude oil selection to strengthen its international competitive position. With the implementation of this project, environmental regulations will permanently be met at the Ingolstadt location.


Project highlight: Transport and installation of the largest equipment item

After thorough investigation of the transport route and obtaining the necessary permits, the shipping company set off with the column from Lower Rhine to Ingolstadt at the end of October 2022 – first by riverboat on Rhine, Main and Main-Danube Canal to Kelheim, from there as road transport to the refinery. In addition to usual difficulties with narrow town passages, the unusual low water levels were also a challenge.

In summer 2023, after completion of the required foundations, concrete and steel structures, the large equipment items were lifted into place. The two Venturi scrubbers to be mounted on the right and left of the column were installed first, then the lower section of the column was placed on its foundation. Only one day later, the upper section of the column was added, and the two halves of the column were welded together. With the installation of the smokestack, the 83 meters high structure was completed and is now a prominent landmark of the refinery.



Mag. Lydia Brandtner

Head of Marketing
Pörner Group
Tel.: +43 5 05899-718