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Turnkey Contract for Wax Plate Plant in Egypt awarded to Pörner

S.C. POERNER ROMANIA S.R.L., the Romanian subsidiary of the Pörner Group headquartered in Bucharest, was awarded a contract by the Alexandria Mineral Oils Company (AMOC) for the extension of the wax plate plant in Alexandria / Egypt at the end of October 2013. The scope of work comprises the turnkey planning and design of the plant extension as a whole and includes the basic and detail engineering, procurement and supply of new plant sections, replacement of the entire control system (PLC) as well as construction supervision and commissioning.

[Translate to Englisch:]

[Translate to Englisch:] AMOC Präsident Hr. Fathy Eid, IMC Präsident Hr. Mohsen El Nahas und Pörner Rumänien Geschäftsführer Dipl.-Ing. Michael Volkmann, gemeinsam mit Vertretern von AMOC und Pörner bei der Vertragsunterzeichnung in Alexandria / Ägypten.

[Translate to Englisch:]

[Translate to Englisch:] Die Kapazität der bestehenden Wachsanlage soll um ca. 30% erhöht werden.


The technology required, responsible for a major improvement of the production plant, comes from Pörner, too. The production plant (the core of plate production) was upgraded and the process of the entire wax tempering system re-designed. The machinery was improved by Pörner as part of an R&D project and is now manufactured based on the improved design. 

At this plant liquid wax is carried in moulding presses where hot wax of over 90°C is solidified in a batch process. The world-wide demand for wax plates has been on the rise. Therefore two more production lines are to be added to the plant. The capacity will thus grow by 30%. The investment volume will come up to several million euros. The project is to become operational in summer 2014. 


Once before back in 2000 Pörner was commissioned with the process design of the entire plant and supplied the key equipment and the entire plant control system. The trust in the company‘s performance capability gained at that time could be cemented in the years to follow and has now resulted in the said follow-up contract.  

Based on the almost 40 years’ experience in lube oil and bitumen production (Biturox® technology), for example, the Pörner Group has extensive process know-how in waxes and wax formulation that in particular goes into spray micronization and wax slabbings.  


Mag. Lydia Brandtner

Head of Marketing
Pörner Group
Tel.: +43 5 05899-718