Besides being specialized in the gas area including liquefied gas in cryogenic conditions, Pörner Kyiv engineers execute a variety of projects such as:
Engineering for the construction of air separation units and hydrogen production unit
Engineering for the design and construction of the New Safe Confinement (NSC), the new safety arch for parts of the damaged nuclear power plant in Chernobyl. Read more about this project here.
Detailed engineering of the support systems for ventilation ducts, cable trays, lifting systems and platforms for this gigantic (first in the history of engineering) project, since 2011.
Engineering support for the second expansion of a receiving LNG terminal incl. third storage tank, increasing gasification and storage capacity, extension of port infrastructure and dosing point at the feeding station, co-operation for 20+ years.
Engineering for a skid-mounted (25 skids + loose) gas processing plant consisting of a gas sweetening unit, sulphur recovery- and dehydration unit.
Design of an on-shore receiving terminal and preliminary design of its extension