Engineering support for the second expansion of a receiving LNG terminal incl. third storage tank, increasing gasification and storage capacity, extension of port infrastructure and dosing point at the feeding station, co-operation for 20+ years.
Modernization of a Vapor Recovery Unit (VRU) by an upstream arranged Carbon Retrofit Unit (CRU) to increase the re-liquefied amount of hydrocarbons by the fuel loading of trucks, vessels and ships.
Turn-key construction of a LPG loading station for tank trucks with a capacity of 240 TPD
Revamp of a natural gas reduction plant with exchange of the whole installation at the prime line (grid gas connector, pre-heating, pressure reducing valve)
Installation of an air separation plant. Pörner Group has been supporting Linde since 2001 for the erection of air separtation plants in Italy, Hungary, Norway, Spain, United Arab Emirates, Trinidad, Turkey, Indonesia and Vietnam.
Planning, submission and tendering for a gas reducing station of the combined heat and power station "Salzburg Mitte"
Installation of an air separation plant.
Revamp of gas processing plant with capacity increase from 1.3 to 1.9 million m³/day
Revamp of gas storage plant Schönkirchen Reyersdorf
Extension of the processing units of a NG storage field including extension of drying capacity (new drying unit)
Doubling of the production capacity of the Höflein gas field; Modernization and extension of the natural gas treatment plant Aderklaa II, replacement of the drying unit in Korneuburg