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Flue Gas Desulphurization

Engineering and installation of a flue gas desulphurization plant for efficient reduction of sulphur dioxide emissions

  • Client: Gunvor Raffinerie Ingolstadt GmbH
  • Location: Ingolstadt / Germany
  • Scope of work: 
    • Pre-Basic engineering
    • Detail engineering 
    • Procurement 
    • Construction supervision
  • Commissioning: 2024

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Revamp FCC plant

Replacement of several plant components in the catalytic part of the FCC plant; process engineering carried out by licensor UOP, process optimization (stripper incl. reactor compensator)

  • Client: OMV 
  • Location: Schwechat/ Austria
  • Scope of work: 
    • Study and execution phase (assess, select, define, execution)
    • Detail engineering 
    • Procurement support
    • Project management
    • Scheduling
    • Construction supervision
  • Commissioning: 2023

Tank farm

Construction of a kerosene tank farm at Linz airport

  • Client: OMV Downstream GmbH
  • Location: Linz / Austria
  • Scope of work: 
    • Concept
    • Cost estimation 
    • Authority engineering
    • Detail engineering 
    • Construction management
    • Commissioning support
  • Commissioning: 2023

Revamp refinery tank farm

Evaluation of approx. 70 tanks including infrastructure (pumps, pipelines, foundations, etc.) at the Petrobrazi refinery. Evaluation with 3D laser scans. Shutdown, revitalization or new construction according to economical, safety-related and environmental criteria. Construction of a new 10,000 m3 storage tank for heavy reformate with an aluminum dome.

  • Client: OMV Petrom SA
  • Location: Petrobrazi / Romania
  • Scope of work: 
    • Authority engineering
    • Detail engineering 
    • Procurement
    • Construction management
    • HSE responsibillity on site
    • Authority documentation
    • Commissioning 
  • Commissioning:    2022

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Modernization HDS1 plant

Retrofitting of the existing HDS1 high-pressure desulfurization plant; replacement of the reactor, heat exchangers and connecting pipelines

  • Client: OMV Refining & Marketing
  • Location: Schwechat / Austria
  • Scope of work: 
    • Study
    • FEED
    • Detail engineering 
    • Construction supervision
    • Commissioning support
  • Commissioning: 2020 

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Aromatics Extraction

Modification of the existing Arosolvan plant: replacement of N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) by the less toxic solvent tetraethylene glycol (TTEG), minimization of energy and utilities consumption

  • Client: PCK Raffinerie GmbH Schwedt
  • Location: Schwedt / Germany
  • Scope of work: 
    • Extended basic engineering
    • Detail engineering 
    • Procurement
    • Construction supervision
  • Commissioning: 2020

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Revamp Crude Oil Distillation

Revamp of existing crude oil distillation plant with replacement of two side strippers, pre-column and liquid gas column with associated reboilers during compound shutdown ‘Step2’

  • Client: PCK Raffinerie GmbH Schwedt
  • Location: Schwedt / Germany
  • Scope of work:
    • Detail engineering
    • Authority engineering support
    • Procurement, expediting
    • Construction supervision
  • Commissioning: 2019

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Lube Oil Blending Plant (LOBP)

Extension of the existing measuring, dosing and blending systems to improve plant flexibility and to double capacity.

  • Client: GS Caltex Corporation
  • Location: Seoul / South Korea
  • Scope of work: 
    • Delivery of equipment
    • Construction supervision
    • Commissioning support
  • Commissioning: 2019

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Propane Deasphalting Plant

Conversion of the propane deasphalting plant (PDA plant) engineered and installed by EDL in 2011 incl. use of solvent mixture instead of propane

  • Client: H&R Ölwerke Schindler GmbH
  • Location: Hamburg / Deutschland
  • Scope of services: 
    • Basic engineering
    • Detail engineering 
    • Authority engineering
    • Procurement
    • Construction supervision
    • Commissioning support
  • Commissioning:   2018

Coker Unit

Optimization of the coker unit with replacement of two coke drums; weight per coke drum: 400 mt, height per coke drum: 35 m

  • Client: Mineraloel Raffinerie Oberrhein GmbH
  • Location: Karlsruhe / Germany
  • Scope of services: 
    • Detail engineering 
    • Field engineering
  • Commissioning:   2018

Lube Oil Blending Plant (LOBP)

Design and delivery of a lube oil blending and grease plant  including storage tanks and ancillary facilities with an optimized pigging system for lubricant mixing, filling, storage and shipping of base oils and additives just in time.

  • Client: MRS Oil Nigeria PLC
  • Location: Lagos / Nigeria
  • Scope of work:
    • Detail engineering
    • Purchase support
    • Supply of bulk materials (piping, fittings, field devices, heat tracing), pumps, storage tanks and off-sites
    • Commissioning support
  • Commissioning: 2018

Carbon Retrofit Unit (CRU) for a tank farm

Revamp of a Vapor Recovery Unit (VRU) by an upstream arranged Carbon Retrofit Unit (CRU) to increase the re-liquefied amount of hydrocarbons by the fuel loading of trucks, vessels and ships.

  • Client: OMV Refining & Marketing GmbH
  • Location: Tanklager Lobau / Österreich
  • Scope of work:
    • FEED
    • Basic engineering
    • Authority engineering
    • Detail engineering
    • Tender invitation & purchase support
    • Construction & installation management
    • Commissioning support
  • Inbetriebnahme: 2017

FCC Unit

Revamp of the FCC Unit in several projects like, optimization of the main column condensation, replacement of the main valves, dismantling of the old and installation of a new modified waste heat boiler. Finalization during TAR 2017.

  • Client: OMV Refining & Marketing GmbH
  • Location: Schwechat / Österreich
  • Scope of work:
    • FEED
    • Basic Engineering
    • Detail Engineering
    • Procurement assistance
    • Site and construction supervision
    • Scheduling support for TAR 2017
    • Commissioning support
  • Commissioning: 2017

PDA - Propane De-Asphalting Plant

Modernization of a PDA plant in cooperation with Sulzer Chemtech (internals) and Kremsmüller (columns).

  • Client: OAO Naftan
  • Location: Novopolozk / Belarus
  • Scope of work:
    • Pilot tests in company owned pilot plant
    • Technological design
    • Delivery of 2 extraction columns
  • Commissioning: 2016

Modernization of Hydrodesulfurisation Plant HDS3

Replacement of the HDS3 reactor in the plant for desulfurisation and denitrification of vacuum gasoil; the technical configuration of the reactor: 465°C and 80bar, 25m high and 382t

  • Client: OMV Refining & Marketing GmbH
  • Location: Schwechat / Austria
  • Scope of work:
    • FEED
    • Basic engineering
    • Detail engineering
    • Procurement
    • Site and construction supervision
    • Commissioning support
  • Commissioning: 2016

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Crude Oil Distillation Plant RD4 "Opportunity Crudes"

Revamp of the crude oil distillation RD-4 for yield improvement and enhanced plant operation mode

  • Client: OMV Refining & Marketing GmbH
  • Location: Schwechat / Austria
  • Scope of work:
    • FEED
    • Detail engineering
    • Procurement
    • Construction supervision
    • Commissioning support
  • Commissioning: 2016

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Modernization of DEA2 Plant

Yield improvement and enhanced plant operation mode,  replacement of column and key equipment

  • Client: OMV Refining & Marketing GmbH
  • Location: Schwechat / Austria
  • Scope of work:
    • FEED
    • Basic engineering
    • Detail engineering
    • Procurement
    • Site and construction supervision
    • Commissioning support
  • Commissioning: 2016

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Crude oil distillation unit (Rohöl1)

Revamp of the crude oil distillation unit 1 with replacement of the vacuum column and a stripper column, mounted by modules; finalized at the shut-down "kleiner 16"; the vacuum column is 71 m high and one the the biggest refinery buildings

  • Client: PCK Raffinerie GmbH Schwedt
  • Location: Schwedt, Germany
  • Scope of work:
    • Basic engineering
    • Detail engineering
    • Procurement
    • Construction supervision
  • Commissioning: 2016  

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Revamp of FCC regenerator

Replacement of the regenerator in the FCC unit; because of the heavy weight (648 t) it was delivered in three segments and was completed together with the LCO recovery project during the shutdown "kleiner 16"

  • Client: PCK Raffinerie GmbH Schwedt
  • Location: Schwedt, Germany
  • Scope of work:
    • Detail engineering
    • Procurement
    • Construction and mounting supervision
  • Commissioning: 2016  


Desulfurization Plant - HAZOP Findings DK-2

Revamp of medium-pressure desulphurization plant DK-2 with replacement of stripping column including foundation

  • Client: PCK Raffinerie GmbH Schwedt
  • Location: Schwedt, Germany
  • Scope of work:
    • Basic engineering
    • Detail engineering
    • Procurement
    • Construction supervision
  • Commissioning: 2014  



Reconstruction of the FCC-Reactor

  • Client: TOTAL Raffinerie Mitteldeutschland GmbH
  • Location: Leuna, Germany
  • Scope of work:
    • Detail engineering
    • Procurement
    • Construction and assembling supervision
    • Commissioning
  • Commissioning: 2014


Alkylation plant

Revamp of alkylation plant to increase alkylate yield

  • Client: TOTAL Raffinerie Mitteldeutschland GmbH
  • Location: Leuna, Germany
  • Scope of work:
    • Detail engineering
    • Procurement
    • Construction supervision
    • Commissioning
  • Commissioning: 2014


FCC-Gas Postprocessing Unit

Reconstruction of the FCC-Gas Postprocessing Unit to increase the yield composition

  • Client: TOTAL Raffinerie Mitteldeutschland GmbH
  • Location: Leuna, Germany
  • Scope of work:
    • Detail engineering
    • Procurement
    • Construction and assembling supervision
    • Commissioning
  • Commissioning: 2014


RD4 Program

EPCM-Contractor for modernization of the crude oil distillation plant4 (RD4), distillation plant1 (DEA1), distillation plant2 (DEA2),  new residue cooling system (RSK) to increase cooling capacity at residue line

  • Client: OMV AG 
  • Location: Schwechat / Austria
  • Scope of work:
    • Project management
    • Basic engineering
    • Detailed engineering
    • Procurement
    • Site and construction supervision
    • Commissioning support
  • Commissioning: 2014

Butadiene Production Unit

EPCM-Contractor for capacity extensions to Butadiene production unit

  • Client: OMV AG 
  • Location: Schwechat / Austria
  • Scope of work:
    • Project management
    • Basic engineering
    • Detailed engineering
    • Procurement
    • Site and construction supervision
    • Commissioning support
  • Commissioning: 2014

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Revamp Vacuum Plant

Replacement of the vacuum column of the vacuum plant based on the modern deep-cut process

  • Client: PCK Raffinerie GmbH Schwedt
  • Location: Schwedt / Germany
  • Scope of work:
    • Basic engineering
    • Detail engineering
    • Procurement
    • Construction supervision
    • Commissioning support
  • Commissioning: 2013

Propane Deasphalting Plant (PDA)

The new PDA plant is to obtain deasphalted oil from vacuum residue by propane extraction.

  • Client: H&R Ölwerke Schindler GmbH
  • Location: Hamburg / Germany
  • Scope of work:
    • Basic engineering
    • Detail engineering
    • Procurement
    • Construction supervision
    • Commissioning support
  • Commissioning: 2011

Crude Oil Distillation Plant 4 Schwechat

EPCM-Contractor for modernizing the crude oil distillation plant 4 (RD4) in Schwechat including the modernization of the lower circulation return lines of the distillation plant

  • Client: OMV
  • Location: Schwechat / Austria
  • Scope of work:
    • Detail engineering
    • Procurement and expediting
    • Construction supervision
    • Commissioning
  • Commissioning: 2010

Revamp Crude Oil Distillation Plant TOP1

Replacement of the main column for improvement of MD recovery and for production of a jet fuel component; use of a 1350 t crane during installation

  • Client: PCK Raffinerie Schwedt
  • Location: Schwedt / Germany
  • Scope of work:
    • Detail engineering
    • Construction supervision
    • Procurement
    • Expediting
  • Commissioning: 2010

Revamp FCC Gas Concentration Plant

Revamp of the stripping column with further peripheral equipment to improve the propene recovery process

  • Client: PCK Raffinerie GmbH Schwedt
  • Location: Schwedt / Germany
  • Scope of work:
    • Basic engineering
    • Detailed engineering
    • Procurement and expediting
    • Construction and installation supervision
    • Commissioning
  • Commissioning: 2010

Revamp of HDS Plant

Complete revamp of the desulfurization plant HDS-1 in Schwechat to reduce the sulfur production to less than 10 ppm and triple the capacity from 1,000 t/d to 3,500 t/d by EDL

  • Client: OMV AG
  • Location: Schwechat, Austria
  • Scope of work: 
    • Project management
    • Detail engineering
    • Procurement
    • Construction supervision
    • Commissioning
  • Commissioning: 2008 

Used Oil Re- Refining Plant

Planning and erection of a new used oil re-refining plant (Hylube2) based on UOP technology

  • Client: Puralube Raffinerie GmbH
  • Location: Zeitz, Germany
  • Scope of work:
    • Basic engineering
    • Detailed engineering
    • Procurement support
    • Commissioning support
  • Commissioning: 2008 



FCC overcracking plant with C3 splitter process stage as the core part of the plant (diameter 5.2 m, total height 84 m) to produce propylene in polymer grade quality

  • Client: PCK Raffinerie GmbH, Schwedt
  • Location: Schwedt, Germany
  • Scope of work:
    • Detailed engineering
    • Procurement
    • Construction supervision
  • Commissioning: 2007
  • Investment: EUR 29 million (in total)

Debottlenecking of Refinery Gas Plant

Debottlenecking of refinery gas plant

  • Client: OMV Deutschland GmbH
  • Location: Burghausen, Germany
  • Scope of work:
    • Detailed engineering
    • Procurement
    • Construction supervision
    • Site management
  • Commissioning: 2007

Revamp HF Alkylation

Revamp of existing HF alkylation

  • Client: PCK Raffinerie GmbH, Schwedt
  • Location: Schwedt, Germany
  • Scope of work:
    • Basic engineering  (UOP Schedule A)
    • Detailed engineering
    • Procurement
    • Construction supervision
  • Commissioning: 2007

OK 95 - Transfer Line

Transfer line OK 95 (with/without ETBE)

  • Client: TOTAL Raffinerie Mitteldeutschland GmbH
  • Location: Leuna, Germany
  • Scope of work:
    • Detailed engineering
    • Procurement
    • Construction supervision
  • Commissioning: 2006

Revamp of HDS-1 Plant

Revamp of HDS-1 plant

  • Client: OMV Deutschland GmbH
  • Location: Burghausen, Germany
  • Scope of work:
    • Detailed engineering
    • Procurement
    • Construction supervision
  • Commissioning 2006

New Refinery Gas Plant

New refinery gas plant Modification of associated existing units

  • Client: BAYERNOIL  Raffineriegesellschaft
  • LocationIngolstadt, Germany
  • Scope of work:
    • Detailed engineering
    • Procurement (support)
    • Authority engineering
    • Investment cost estimate
    • Construction supervision (piping)
    • Acceptance tests/Tests
    • Commissioning support
  • Commissioning: 2005


FCC Column

Replacement of existing FCC main column by a larger (diameter of 6.2 m) and  higher (height of 54 m) one 

  • Client: Raffinerie GmbH, Schwedt
  • Location: Schwedt, Germany
  • Scope of work:
    • Basic engineering
    • Detailed engineering
    • Procurement
    • Construction supervision
    • Acceptance tests/Tests
    • Commissioning support
  • Commissioning: 2004

Desulphurization Unit

Project: Increase of throughput of desulphurization unit DESUS 2 to 140 tph

  • Client: PCK Raffinerie GmbH
  • Location: Schwedt, Germany
  • Scope of work:
    • Basic engineering
    • Detailed engineering
    • Procurement
    • Construction supervision
    • Commissioning support
  • Commissioning: 2002