Solvent Deasphalting is one of the most interesting "Bottom-to-Barrel" technologies to process heavy residues in modern refineries.
On the one hand due to the major price differences more and more heavy, high-sulfur crudes are used in refinery processes rather than light, low-sulfur crudes and on the other hand it requires more efficient residue processing technologies.
A case in point is the long-known Solvent Deasphalting process used in lubricating oil refining. It is increasingly used by fuel refineries now because compared to other residue technologies (e.g. hydrocracker, coker, visbreaker, gasification) the SDA technology has the lowest investment cost.
Compared to conventional SDA processes SDA PLUS offers crucial advantages:
At our own pilot plants and based on long-years‘ research and development various processes can be simulated for an optimum plant design.
The PDA process using propane as the only solvent has been implemented by EDL on industrial scale in Hamburg.
Besides propane (C3) Pörner / EDL can also use n-butane, i-butane (C4) or portions of n-pentane and n-hexane for deasphalting. In this process C3 and C4 are normally mixed to reach higher yields of DAO which leads to a deteriorating quality of DAO, however.
The higher DAO yields containing C4 portions are in particular used for the technology variation to produce resin.
"Our PDA plant separates the residue from the production process into ecologically friendly, crude-based specialties. It is thus possible to increase both the added value and the profitability and we help the environment." stated Niels H. Hansen, CEO of H&R AG, Hamburg.